Resource Index
Smart Grapher Interactives
Unit 1, Chapter 1,
Biodiversity: Analyze Trends in Earth’s Biodiversity.
Unit 3, Chapter 7,
Average Height: Graph change in average heights over time.
Unit 3, Chapter 8,
Nucleotide Bases: Graph Chargaff's data.
Unit 4, Chapter 10,
Finch Beak Size: Graph data to analyze how environmental conditions affected the beak size of one population.
Unit 4, Chapter 11,
Genetic Drift: Graph allele frequencies and determine if populations are evolving.
Unit 5, Chapter 14,
Population Growth and Carrying Capacity: Graph and analyze the bison population of Yellowstone Park.
Unit 5, Chapter 15,
Amphibian Distribution: Graph the number of known amphibian species by region and analyze the distribution.
Unit 5, Chapter 16,
Effects of an Introduced Species: Graph and analyze frog populations in different lakes.
Unit 6, Chapter 19,
Success of an Invasive Species: Graph the spread of
from 1984 until 2003 in the Mediterranean Sea.
Unit 8, Chapter 25,
Fish and Oxygen Needs: Determine the relationship between number of species and oxygen levels in Lake Malawi.
Unit 8, Chapter 26,
Internal Body Temperatures: Compare graphs of different animals' body temperatures.
Unit 9, Chapter 29,
Cortisol Levels: Graph cortisol levels in the body throughout the day.
Unit 9, Chapter 31,
Spread of Infectious Disease: Graph the number of West Nile virus cases and discover just how quickly the virus spread.
Unit 9, Chapter 32,
Interaction of Glucose and Insulin: Graph blood glucose levels and the resulting insulin levels over time.
Unit 9, Chapter 33,
Running Speed: Determine whether fast runners move their legs more quickly than slow runners.
Unit 9, Chapter 34,
Human Growth Hormone: Graph the rise and fall of human growth hormone through adolescence for both girls and boys.
Resources by Unit
Resource Index
Interactive Teacher Edition
State-Specific Resources
Supplemental Teacher Materials